Alex Gardner
Cook, Baker, Photographer, Writer, Poet, Human

Hello folks, Alex here. I have been a cook, starting at 16 years old, a house painter, photographer, sales presenter, and had a restaurant for a time. I may have solicited you on the phone for one product, service or another. I have photographed your children in school and captured memories of their weddings. When I was active, you could find thousands of musician or band photos on my photo site. The Blues is my jam.
Food is Personal
but meant to be shared
You may have eaten my food while sitting at the bar listening to the band or perhaps a taco on the patio. Once, I was tasked with making a special dish just for the band from Brazil. Foolishly, I chose fejoada. If I had known it is the national dish of Brazil, I would not have even attempted it. The smile though on Igor Prado’s face when he said “Ahh, Fejoada!”, I will never forget.
This blog is a reflection of my meals, past projects like the fejoada, or what I am going to eat today or tomorrow. I also write, both non fiction and poetry so perhaps now and then, if it is relevant, something different may appear.
I watch as the rich dark soy sauce
then drips down my thigh
in a series of inky spots on the floor
perhaps I need the seasoning
for just the right flavor
more likely
I’m just clumsy