Fesenjan is a feast dish that is traditionally eaten during the Persian holiday Shab-e Yalda, to celebrate the winter solstice and is a pre-Islamic celebration.
Blow Up An Eggplant And Make An Omelette
For later iterations, I properly roasted the eggplant over the gas flames of the stove top and used breakfast sausage for the meat portion.
Cooking for One, It’s the Cleanup that’s the Rub
The menu was a simple one, but balance was the intent. There was a boneless chicken thigh marinated in olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and oregano. The last time I… [Continue Reading]
My First try at Relleno Negro
I was watching Mexican Street Food with Mark Wiens on Amazon. It seems I should have heard of him but I had not. This man has a very successful YouTube… [Continue Reading]
Focaccia Pizza with Bacon Jam and Salami
Again with dough, but this is what I go through when hungry. I see what I have and make something with it. It is Pizza Night.
My Favorite Juicy Chicken is Not for Me to Share
My favorite way to make chicken is not for everyone. In fact, unless you knew me very well, and trusted me explicitly, I wouldn’t even share it with you.
Bacon Jam, I use this Stuff on Everything
What could be better than something with bacon, sweet caramelized onions, maple syrup and brown sugar? This stuff is amazing.
Filipino Chicken Adobo according to Tita Rosey
Adobo is considered by many to be the National Dish of the Philippines. It is a simple preparation of meat, vinegar, soy sauce, and garlic but seemingly each family manages to use these ingredients in slightly different ways.
Pasta Fritatta, Repurposing your Leftovers
Yesterday’s lunch of Chicken, fideo, and mushrooms with Biber Salçasi was more than I could eat so I stored the remainder in the fridge.
Sautéed Chicken with Biber Salçasi, Fideo, & Mushrooms
Biber Salcasi, literally means pepper paste. This Turkish condiment is made from the sun dried paste of red chili peppers or sweet long peppers and salt.